Ben Lewis: Det store gangsterfilmbedrag

DR2 Dokumania viser i aften en film om en fupproduktion af en kriminalfilm, en dokumentarisk kombination af svindlerkomedie og kriminalfilm. Ben Lewis’ film med originaltitlen ”Chancers: The Great Gangster Film Fraud” fortæller denne historie, som han først tilfældigt fandt i avisen: en konkursramt iværksætter og en arbejdsløs skuespillerinde lægger sammen en en plan om at bedrage det britiske skattevæsen for 2,5 millioner pund ved at lade sig om, de er i gang med en produktion af en spillefilm til 20 millioner pund. Da de kommer under mistanke, går de i gang med at bevise deres uskyld ved faktisk at producere en film med tilhørende retrospektivt arkiv med manuskripter, notater, dagbøger og prøveoptagelser. De ansætter en tidligere natklubudsmider som instruktør, låner et kamera og skriver kontrakter med en række mindre kendte skuespillere til en film med titlen ‘A Landscape of Lies’. Lewis’ film om filmen er støttet af blandt andre BBC Storyville og DR2 Dokumania, som altså sender den i aften.

På BBC Storyvilles hjemmeside (link nedenfor) er der et på mange måder interessant interview  med Ben Lewis, hvor han som slutpointe præcist angiver ”Taxi Driver” som sin til enhver tid yndlingsfilm og Italo Calvinos roman ”Hvis en vinternat en rejsende” som sin bedste seneste læsning. Det lover godt. Altså DR2 Dokumania i aften 20:45!  


Documentary about a bankrupt Jordanian entrepreneur and an unemployed Irish actress who hatch a plan to scam £2.5m off the British taxman by faking the production of a £20m movie.

But they are found out, arrested and then bailed. While out on bail, they decide to prove their innocence by actually making a film. They hire a former nightclub bouncer, now a self-made micro-budget gangster film director. In 2011, Paul Knight makes their movie for under £100,000 with a cast of soap and gangster movie stars including Danny Midwinter, Marc Bannerman and Loose Women’s Andrea McLean. The film’s title is A Landscape of Lies. But the cinematic alibi does not convince the jury when the trial runs in 2013. The producers are convicted of tax fraud and given long sentences. A comic British crime caper and classic heist movie, but in this movie the heist IS the movie. (BBC Storyville)

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Allan Berg Nielsen
Allan Berg Nielsen

Allan Berg Nielsen started the first documentary cinema in Randers, Denmark way back in the 1970’es. He did so at the museum, where he was employed. He got the (16mm) films from the collection of the National Film Board of Denmark (Statens Filmcentral). He organised a film festival in his home city, became a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Board, started to write about films in diverse magazines, were a juror at several festivals and wrote television critiques in the local newspaper. From 1998-2003 Allan Berg was documentary film consultant (commissioning editor) at The Danish Film Institute, a continuation of the Film Board. Since then free lance consultant in documentary matters.

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