Mikala Krogh: Ekstra Bladet uden for citat /2

Så bliver Mikala Kroghs fremragende film Ekstra Bladet – uden for citat vist for første gang i sin fulde længde på dansk TV. Director’s cut! Tirsdag aften 11. august på DR2 Dokumania 20:45. Vi skrev imponeret om filmen i forbindelse med dens premiere sidste år, blandt andet:

” Det er en dobbeltbundet titel, Mikala Krogh har givet filmen. Uden for citat betyder jo sagt i fortrolighed og til baggrund. Det er altså en hemmelighed, som røbes. Men uden for citat betyder også, og det bekræfter slutskiltet næsten overflødigt, at når den usynlige forfatter / fotograf / instruktør flytter ind med sit kamera, så skildres virkeligheden der, som den er, som denne ene kvinde med kamera opfatter den. Som hun har tænkt den i direkte kamera og cinéma vérité. Og så er det selvfølgelig ikke nødvendigt at citere, ikke nødvendigt med vidner og interviews. Det er selve udsagnet, de medvirkendes og stedets, som ender i biografen.” Læs mere: link 


I absorbed journalism with my mother’s milk 
and always wanted to do a film about a newsroom. No one ever really has, in a way that gives you insight into the journalistic process. And that’s important – to understand our democracy and 
to understand the role of journalism. We have seen portraits of politicians and coverage of all sorts of other aspects of our society. Journalists are way down 
on the credibility scale, and I think people until now have had a grossly wrong image of journalism.

There were two papers I thought it would be interesting to make a film about. One was Information, which I knew (Krogh’s father was editor-in-chief, ed.), and the other was Ekstra Bladet, because it’s so controversial and because I love to hate it. On one hand, I think Ekstra Bladet has the most amazing scoops and I love that politicians are afraid of ending up on the front page of the paper. On the other hand, some of their front pages just make me wonder what the hell they’re doing. ‘What was the editorial process that led to this, and is anyone using their brains?’. (Mikala Krogh)


http://www.dfi-film.dk/the-future-of-tabloid-newspapers  (DFI-FILM for Cannes 2015)

https://www.facebook.com/ekstrabladetfilm?fref=ts  (Facebook side)

https://vimeo.com/103799416  (trailer)

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Allan Berg Nielsen
Allan Berg Nielsen

Allan Berg Nielsen started the first documentary cinema in Randers, Denmark way back in the 1970’es. He did so at the museum, where he was employed. He got the (16mm) films from the collection of the National Film Board of Denmark (Statens Filmcentral). He organised a film festival in his home city, became a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Board, started to write about films in diverse magazines, were a juror at several festivals and wrote television critiques in the local newspaper. From 1998-2003 Allan Berg was documentary film consultant (commissioning editor) at The Danish Film Institute, a continuation of the Film Board. Since then free lance consultant in documentary matters.


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